Furnace Blowing Cold Air

What’s Making My Furnace in Pittsburgh, PA, Produce Cold Air?

In Pittsburgh, PA, average winter temperatures range from a low of 23 degrees to a high of 43 degrees. While you expect your furnace to keep your home warm and cozy, many issues can cause it to produce cold air. These are a few of the causes for a furnace to blow cold air:

Poor Gas Supply

Gas heaters require a steady supply of gas to function properly. When you have a restricted supply, your furnace will either not turn on or will blow cold air. This issue requires prompt diagnostic and repair service as it can indicate a dangerous gas leak.

Leaky Air Ducts

Pest damage and age are common causes of leaky air ducts. Leaks result in hot air escaping the ducts rather than entering your rooms. Sealing or replacing damaged ducts is a necessary fix to restore heat in your home.

Clogged Condensate Line

The combustion process produces condensate, which typically moves away from the system. When clogged, the condensate line causes the furnace to shut down. In some cases, a clogged line results in the pilot light not igniting.

Pilot Light Problems

If your furnace is older, the pilot light must run continuously. When you have an extinguished pilot light, you must reignite it for the furnace to produce warm air. A dirty pilot light or a faulty thermocouple are also causes that a service technician can identify with professional HVAC maintenance services.

Thermostat Issues

An incorrect thermostat setting is a common reason for an uncomfortable indoor air temperature. Readjust the programmed settings for the winter weather, if necessary. Using the “On” setting rather than the “Auto” setting is also problematic.

If your furnace in’t keeping your home as warm as you like, schedule professional diagnostic and heater repair services with Woodruff and Smith Heating and Cooling, Inc. today. Our goal is to keep you warm all winter long.

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