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Ductless AC Noises

Why Does My Ductless AC System Make Weird Noises?

One of the selling points of ductless air conditioners is their ability to operate much more quietly than conventional HVAC systems. So, if you begin hearing bizarre sounds coming from the mini-split in your home in McMurray, PA, you may start to worry. Here’s some information about a few troublesome ductless AC noises and their probable meanings.


Each air handler in your ductless AC system requires its parts to work with proper synergy. For this, the parts need an adequate amount of lubrication. However, since such lubrication can fade over time, certain components may wind up scraping against one another, making whirring sounds and inflicting mutual damage in the process.

The longer you allow this noise to persist, the worse the resulting harm to your air handlers will become. A trained HVAC maintenance service technician can apply the necessary lubrication.


Piercing squeals and grinding noises typically indicate something is wrong with your ductless AC system’s air circulation equipment. For example, squealing strongly suggests that the blower wheel is faulty. Grinding sounds frequently mean that the system’s fan motor may be approaching collapse.


Unlike the other noises we’ve discussed so far, to which we can reasonably assign a few possible causes, hissing noises occur only when there’s a refrigerant leak. If abrasion causes even a tiny hole in your system’s refrigerant lines, gaseous refrigerant will flow out and enter your living space. In case you need additional confirmation, that refrigerant will have a sweet chlorine-like odor.

Once you know you have a refrigerant leak, evacuate your home. After guaranteeing your safety, call HVAC service technicians who can tackle the problem.

If your mini-split begins doing things that make your ears perk up, don’t ignore what you hear. Call Woodruff and Smith Heating and Cooling, Inc. to schedule an AC repair in McMurray, PA, right away.

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