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Why Should I Install a Whole-Home Air Purifier in Oakdale, PA?

Good indoor air quality is essential for your health and comfort. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, your indoor air may be two to five times more polluted than the outdoor air. Since you may not be aware of the effects of poor indoor air quality in your Oakdale, PA, home, here are the benefits of a whole-home air purifier.

Healthier Air

The quality of the air you breathe impacts your health. Polluted air is harmful to your health and leads to symptoms like eye irritation, coughing and sore throats. Conditions like asthma worsen due to dirty air.

When breathed in for too long, air quality increases respiratory diseases and heart problems. A whole-home air purifier will provide you and your family with healthier air year-round.

Less Dust Buildup

You are often disappointed to watch dust build up on the surfaces of books, electronics, and other items after you clean. A whole-home air purifier helps clean much of the dust from the house, and it takes longer for the dust to accumulate in your home. Changing your HVAC system and air purifier’s air filters regularly will also help with dust accumulation in your home.

Prolonged HVAC Life

A whole-home air purifier helps your HVAC unit run efficiently, increasing its lifespan. Air purifiers get rid of contaminants that would have settled in the HVAC system’s filters, making the air conditioner work harder to cool your home. Your HVAC will last longer with a whole-home air purifier.

Removes Odors

Air purifiers work to trap airborne particles. Since they can remove 99.97% of airborne particles, air purifiers eliminate the rancid smell that may stem out of these particles. A whole-home air purifier will help clean the air around the bathroom, the refrigerator and in the bedrooms.

To boost your indoor air quality, contact Woodruff and Smith Heating and Cooling, Inc. to help you add an extra level of protection to your HVAC unit. Call us today to book an appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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